Friday, 23 November 2012

Task 2b reflective writing

So i don't think i have ever really kept a diary trying to think back, i can remember when i was Young i did try and start writing one a few times however i think they always ended up like " I went to school today, for lunch I had sausage and chips etc" and to me seemed a bit dull really and all's that i thought about was food! So when i knew i had to start a diary for this task i wasn't really looking forward to it. I think the suggested ways helped me through it though, below is a description on how i felt on each off the different ways :)

I think this is the most basic way of writing a journal and i think this is how i most probably wrote mine when i was younger when i just used to write about what I had to eat! However now that I am older I naturally evaluate things so it was hard not to this technique (i think i did in my head though as it was too hard not to!).

Initial Reflection
I liked this technique as I feel that I am very in touch with my feelings /moods and I always tend to feel very strongly about something, I either love something or I hate it! So for this technique my hand was just flowing with my thoughts. This technique made me realize how easy it is to change my mood, which can be a good or bad thing.

I surprisingly liked this technique. When i read "list" i was thinking "hhhmm like writing a shopping list...boring" however I enjoyed it! I found my iPhone came in handy with this as a could quickly type something down as I saw it/ felt it etc. As i have said before I feel very in touch with my emotions so even me writing one or two words like, "Heartbeat" make me feel a certain way and trigger an emotion. So at the end of the day if there were any words that made me feel negative I could just delete them off my iPhone :)

Graphs, charts and diagram
I didn't really like or enjoy this one. I don't feel like I need a chart to show me how i feel about something and also you couldn't go into any detail with it. This was one of my least favorite of the techniques!

I liked this technique, i found that i was doing this in my head for most of the other techniques anyway so it was nice to write it down and go into detail! Also it helped me think positive and try and get a good outlook on things and see how a certain situation could help me.

What if
Again this was one of my least favorite. The type of person I am, I don't like thinking "what if?", I like to make a decision and stick to it an believe everything happens for a reason. for example, whilst writing my journal i got offered a job dancing at the Niagara falls in Canada. I made the decision not to take it within an hour and then that was that. A few days later I found an EX-partner of mine was doing the job. So I trust my gut instincts and feelings and don't live off "what if's"

Another View
I found this one interesting as I feel so strongly about things it was good for me to look at things from a different outlook! However this technique took too long as I thought about things for ages, so for me this isn't best as i am a very busy person, but would be nice to do every so often!

I'm not sure how long I will be able to keep up journal writing, however i did find it all interesting. I think the technique that works best for me and the type of person that I am is the "list" as it makes me remember things and then I remember them how i felt in that situation and when I feel happy y outlook on situations is so much better . Then as I said before I can delete the negative things so it could be a think to look over if I'm having a "sad" day! Also as i say i could do this on the go with me iPhone which is good for me :)

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